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Anita, flanked by two guards, is about to be taken away.
Hisoka smiles.  Creepy, or what?
Close up of a very serious Hisoka.  Is he scarier this way, or smiling?
Kannaria leads Gon and company toward Killua's family home.
The receptionist for the Hunters leans over to examine Gon and Killua.
Closeup of Menchi, the lovely Hunter Examiner.
The friendly little foxbear cub Gon meets.
Pan cel of Hisoka standing with crossed arms and MUSCLES.
Holy fruitcake, Batman, Hisoka is on a killing rampage!

Hisoka smiles.  Creepy, or what?
Sequence: A3
Layers: 1
Sketch: 1 Matching
Background: Copy Nonmatching

Hunter Hunter - Others (9)
This excellent shot of Hisoka is from the second half of the saga. For some reason his hair is now flame red -- probably his natural color given that we see him in the shower at one point. The mystery of Hisoka is revealed layer by paper-thin layer, and as with an onion it's not something you want to get really close to. His intense scariness makes him more and more interesting as you learn more -- but never quite enough -- about what makes this guy tick.

Made it here

The copyright for all character images is held by their respective creators.
Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.